OMG its already 2018

So apparently it is already the second day of the new year…… WHAT THE HELL…… Last year completely flew by and I fell like I didn’t get half of what I wanted to get done in 2017 done.

So new year means new plans and I wanted to spend my first post of the year setting my new reading goals and challenges. I always start off the year really well but then of course life gets in the way and I fall off around the middle of the year and then quickly jump back on board around October trying to finish all my goals in time. I guess this is the same for many people and their new year resolutions…….


This year I am going to back down on my goals and give myself more of a chance to complete them. I am also going to do more read-a-thons as I find it a good way to get a lot read (it also stops me from spending so much time playing games on my Ipad or watching Netflix).

So here they are…. My 2018 Reading Goals / Challenges

  1. Read at least 52 books
  2. Complete 12 read-a-thons (this includes 1 and 2 day read-a-thons)
  3. Cut down the number of books I own but haven’t read (there are a lot!)
  4. Read 2 classics (I know that this isn’t many but it will be 2 more than I read last year)
  5. Post a review for at least half the books I read in 2018
  6. Post a non-review post every 2 weeks
  7. If possible I would love to get back into Booktube but this is only an idea at the moment.

The Challenges

    1. Goodreads: 52 books
    2. Around the Year in 52 – This is a Goodreads group that gives prompts for 52 books to read throughout the year.
    3. Mt TBR – I will be setting the goal of Mt Vancouver which is 36 books from my TBR. To find out the rules for Mt TBR check out MyReadersBlock’s post.
    4. Beat the Backlist – 40 books. Similar to Mt TBR but it includes any book published before 2018. Check out this challenge here.


So that’s it. I’m not going to commit myself to any more at the moment as there are still another 363 days that I can other challenges that excite me.

That’s all for now.

Happy Reading


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